Othmar Mága (1929 - 2020) was born in Brno (Czechoslovakia) to German Hungarian parents. He studied Violin, conducting and composing in Stuttgart/Germany, musicology and german literature at the University of Tuebingen and perfected his studies on conducting with Paul van Kempen, Ferdinand Leitner (opera) and Sergiu Celibidache.
Mága conducted numerous recordings on disc, radio and television and is an renowned guestconductor of important orchestras thoughout Europe, as well as Asia and America. After sixty years of conducting his repertoire (>pdf) enclosed well over 2000 works, music from the Renaissance to works from contemporary composers.
1962 - 1967 Chiefconductor in Goettingen/Germany
1968 - 1970 Chiefconductor in Nuernberg/Germany
1971 - 1982 Music director (GMD) in Bochum/Germany,
Professor at the Folkwang-Highschool for music in Essen/Germany
1983 - 1987 Chiefconductor of the Pomeriggi Musicali in Milano/Italy
and of the Odense Symphony Orchestra in Odense/Denmark
1992 - 1996 Chiefconductor of the Korean Broadcast Service Symphony - Orchestra in Seoul/Korea
2002 - 2003 Acting music director (GMD) of the Niederrheinische Sinfoniker at the Vereinigte Staedtische Buehnen in Krefeld - Moenchengladbach/Germany
Compositions by Othmar Mága:
• Divertimento for 2 soloviolins, solocello and stringorchestra
• Advent Cantata for alto, flute, violin, violoncello and stringorchestra
• "Blüten und Mond" - Haiku cycle for soprano and strings
• Concertino for violin and chamberorchestra
• Chambersymphony (1962)
• Three Haikus for reciter and stringtrio (2002)
• "Chamäleon" - for Marimbaphon
• "Kaleidoskop" - for soloviolin, dedicated to Ulf Hoelscher (2008)
- Conducted orchestras since 1948 (pdf)
- Discography (pdf)
- Recordings for radio (pdf):
- Berlin/Germany: RIAS e SFB | Frankfurt/Germany: HR | Hamburg, Hannover/Germany: NDR | Köln: WDR | München, Nürnberg, Baden-Baden, Saarbrücken/Germany: BR, SWR e SR | Stuttgart/Germany: SDR | Milano, Napoli/Italia: RAI | Paris/France: RTF | Bruxelles/Belge: RTB, BRT | Welsh, Cardiff, Manchester, Glasgow/GB: BBC | Dublin/Ireland: RTE | Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger/Norges: NRK | København/Danmark: DR, Göteborg/Sverige | Johannesburg/Southafrica: SABC | Chile | Seoul/Korea: KBS
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